Saturday, January 8, 2011

Pieces of Sky #2

I dunno..phoneAMOK does pretty well with these, too. :)

crossing the Sunshine Bridge

Mississippi Fugly :)
A sky divided

sunrise 1

sunrise 2

when a cold front is on its way

sunset 1

sunset 2 FAIL
(yes..that's my finger *grin*)


  1. But it's a pretty finger, all lit up and sunrisey itself. :)

    Do you have 2 suns? In photo #4, it looks like there are fingers of light coming down from the top of the photo, but the sun is clearly on the horizon.


  2. Hahaa...uh-huh. ;)

    I think that the flash was on, because it tends to stay on unless I make it otherwise. Unfortunately, my sunrise pics have to happen while I'm driving to work. The flash reflected off the inside of the windshield. :D Two suns would be way cooler.
